Sunday, January 12, 2014

Question about why we are here.

Q: Why would we choose this reality over spirit?

Yeah, good question. Why would we choose the "acid" of this reality vs. the bliss of spirit? I got a clear answer in Samadhi:

The soul transcends time and space. The first sheath to place over the soul is called Anandamaya Kosha, which means bliss sheath. So, bliss must be cancelled, before a body can be accepted. Why?

Here is how it happened: Sat, is called the Father or the One True Substance. This is everything all in one time and place or in no time and place. Everything comes from Sat and not from nothing as some people falsely and illogically interpret the "big bang." The realities, such as this one are infinitely thin 4 dimensional planes. The matter within it is essentially "asleep" for a reason, meaning awareness is very dim here. They start off "dead", i.e., just gas and planets. Then a bit of consciousness develops as proteins come together. Those lifeforms which feel suffering and can compare to the bliss of spirit, do not stay. They go back.

The first being to "arise" from Sat is Tat, or the Supreme Being, because it exhibits the qualities of a being, meaning has consciousness (Chit) and bliss (Bliss). It enjoys (Bhoga), experiences and wills. This is the Son. So when Jesus spoke, he was sometimes playing this role. This being is a truly living being and not a simulated living being, like "life" on this planet, because its intelligence derives from everything, not from a simulation. This reality is more like a computer simulation into which we are embedded, because, of course, it runs like a program with rules. The rules are electricity and mass, essentially.

Tat, or the Supreme Being has the ability to experience within and outside of time and space. This is why it is the only way unto the Father. "No one comes unto the Father but by the Son"

Since Spirit or Sat has all things, it also has bliss. There is total contentment in spirit because nothing which is desired is separated from that which desires. This is the only way to have bliss. Otherwise, the definition of desire is suffering. The two go hand in hand. Advertisers know this and they make people desire something on T.V. and in this way people become happy thinking they must have more and more things.

The only way all things which are desired can be together is without a body. The function of a body, by definition is to separate itself from other bodies, so that a limited point of view can be experienced. It is created to separate us from what we desire. We can only be with a limited number of people that we love, etc...

Spirit, or our principal identity, requires no body. This is in the core of our being. This state is so perfect, that no one would willingly choose to leave it. In the same way that no one decides to jump into a fire for fun, so no one chooses to come here for the reason to experience it.

But a way was "evolved" to keep the Supreme Being in a body. The casual body was evolved as a block to the bliss of spirit. Once that was blocked and the memory of it prevented, then beings could stay here and life could evolve. Without this block, no life would stay in this universe. Even despite that, there is very little life on this plane. It is mostly dead matter. The next body is the astral body, which looks more like the physical than the causal. Without these higher bodies, death would end our evolution in one life and evolution would not progress far at all. In order for evolution to occur these other bodies evolved along with this one. Consciousness was borrowed from Tat. The bodies separate us by definition and therefore are the ego.

So, the state of man, is that he is miserable, because of the bodies, but he can not end this misery through normal death or suicide, because the causal body is impossible to kill in any normal way. It can only be "unchosen". The only way to un-choose this reality is to regain our memory of spirit. Suicide is an impossible way out as well, because there are still the astral and casual bodies and they are even more difficult to overcome by their very evolved nature.

Only by obtaining Samadhi while in this realm, can this physical universe be overcome. The containment mechanism cannot be overcome in any easier way than this, even though this way is difficult. It is difficult, because all the forces of this world conspire to keep us trapped here.

Samadhi is obtained by remaining at the 6th chakra, Ajna. This region of the brain is neutral and out-of-body consciousness. If you go higher, then you leave and enter the astral body. If you descend from this point then you remain in the physical. Once memories of Samadhi are had, everything becomes clear and you can then completely choose a higher reality. Any other form of choice is not complete, only partial.

We go into Samadhi when we sleep, but we don't remember. Why we sit upright in meditation and break the seals in the spine is to raise up the center of the head consciously with our memories intact.

I wish I could go on more, but this is the general idea. Understanding the Containment Mechanism is key to understanding this evolution, but it can get very complicated.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for this great explanation in advance and sorry for my poor English, it's not my first language. I´d like to ask if "a way was "evolved" to keep the Supreme Being in a body and then beings could stay here and life could evolve". Then who´s that entity that you mention as "all the forces of this world conspire to keep us trapped here" and why has a consciousness of its own that goes against the spirits will in order to lead the Supreme Being out and trap it?
    Until samadhi can help me find answers by myself and having read your book Kriya Secrets Revealed I trust you are a wise vessel where to find the knowledge I lack so id appreciate if you could answer my question.
