Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to find a real spiritual path

In truth, the spiritual path (on this plane) comes down to simple anatomy. Perception at Ajna is how we realize all the things religious people preach. In other words, its just words and imagination and mind until you get to Ajna or Kutastha. The nature of consciousness, when fully explored reveals how it enters the body and mind and where it goes when released and made free through Kriya.

Ajna (Kutastha or the Void) is not in the mind, even physically speaking. Its where the nervous system meets the void in the center of the brain, or where the cerebral spinal fluid is (ambrosia.)

I have been 100% withdrawn into Ajna and before I go, I take or release a breath. Time passes. In the beginning I didn't remember anything. But I completed my breath, opened my eyes and hours had passed. It was past midnight. I looked at the clock, unable to comprehend what happened.

I hadn't even moved an iota. This persisted, until then I could remember what happened. I was in a state of supreme bliss.

One day, I overshot Ajna and ended up in the 7th chakra area. As I did so, I could see through my head in the surrounding room. There were astral beings standing around me. They were there the whole time. This is true astral projection.

I then realized that Ajna is the fulcrum of balance point where we must go in order to reach Samadhi. One must cut the knots that keep the energy in the body, in order to get there. But one must not overshoot, as do all people during death, otherwise you just end up in a different Matrix far more difficult to overcome than this one.

From Ajna there are two places to "go" which are close by, the first is the Void itself or the third ventricle. The second is Kutastha, which is towards the point between the eyebrows. Both are states of being without body and mind. Kutastha is the "final" form of creation. Beyond Kutastha there is no form nor duality.

Once you have a memory of Samadhi (the second stage of Samadhi) everything is clear and you can read a religious book or hear a lecture and know with authority whether this "guru" is full of it or not. You can tell whether he comes from the point of view of the mind or of Samadhi. If he does not speak of the knots (or seals) and Ajna and Samadhi, then he is just an agent of the Matrix, another level of control.

Even if he speaks of Ajna and so on, if his technique is flawed, then he is a particularly dangerous agent of the Matrix, able to deceive the more sincere followers of religion.

This leaves only a small group of people on the planet who are spiritual authorities.

This is how to test the truth.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Question about why we are here.

Q: Why would we choose this reality over spirit?

Yeah, good question. Why would we choose the "acid" of this reality vs. the bliss of spirit? I got a clear answer in Samadhi:

The soul transcends time and space. The first sheath to place over the soul is called Anandamaya Kosha, which means bliss sheath. So, bliss must be cancelled, before a body can be accepted. Why?

Here is how it happened: Sat, is called the Father or the One True Substance. This is everything all in one time and place or in no time and place. Everything comes from Sat and not from nothing as some people falsely and illogically interpret the "big bang." The realities, such as this one are infinitely thin 4 dimensional planes. The matter within it is essentially "asleep" for a reason, meaning awareness is very dim here. They start off "dead", i.e., just gas and planets. Then a bit of consciousness develops as proteins come together. Those lifeforms which feel suffering and can compare to the bliss of spirit, do not stay. They go back.

The first being to "arise" from Sat is Tat, or the Supreme Being, because it exhibits the qualities of a being, meaning has consciousness (Chit) and bliss (Bliss). It enjoys (Bhoga), experiences and wills. This is the Son. So when Jesus spoke, he was sometimes playing this role. This being is a truly living being and not a simulated living being, like "life" on this planet, because its intelligence derives from everything, not from a simulation. This reality is more like a computer simulation into which we are embedded, because, of course, it runs like a program with rules. The rules are electricity and mass, essentially.

Tat, or the Supreme Being has the ability to experience within and outside of time and space. This is why it is the only way unto the Father. "No one comes unto the Father but by the Son"

Since Spirit or Sat has all things, it also has bliss. There is total contentment in spirit because nothing which is desired is separated from that which desires. This is the only way to have bliss. Otherwise, the definition of desire is suffering. The two go hand in hand. Advertisers know this and they make people desire something on T.V. and in this way people become happy thinking they must have more and more things.

The only way all things which are desired can be together is without a body. The function of a body, by definition is to separate itself from other bodies, so that a limited point of view can be experienced. It is created to separate us from what we desire. We can only be with a limited number of people that we love, etc...

Spirit, or our principal identity, requires no body. This is in the core of our being. This state is so perfect, that no one would willingly choose to leave it. In the same way that no one decides to jump into a fire for fun, so no one chooses to come here for the reason to experience it.

But a way was "evolved" to keep the Supreme Being in a body. The casual body was evolved as a block to the bliss of spirit. Once that was blocked and the memory of it prevented, then beings could stay here and life could evolve. Without this block, no life would stay in this universe. Even despite that, there is very little life on this plane. It is mostly dead matter. The next body is the astral body, which looks more like the physical than the causal. Without these higher bodies, death would end our evolution in one life and evolution would not progress far at all. In order for evolution to occur these other bodies evolved along with this one. Consciousness was borrowed from Tat. The bodies separate us by definition and therefore are the ego.

So, the state of man, is that he is miserable, because of the bodies, but he can not end this misery through normal death or suicide, because the causal body is impossible to kill in any normal way. It can only be "unchosen". The only way to un-choose this reality is to regain our memory of spirit. Suicide is an impossible way out as well, because there are still the astral and casual bodies and they are even more difficult to overcome by their very evolved nature.

Only by obtaining Samadhi while in this realm, can this physical universe be overcome. The containment mechanism cannot be overcome in any easier way than this, even though this way is difficult. It is difficult, because all the forces of this world conspire to keep us trapped here.

Samadhi is obtained by remaining at the 6th chakra, Ajna. This region of the brain is neutral and out-of-body consciousness. If you go higher, then you leave and enter the astral body. If you descend from this point then you remain in the physical. Once memories of Samadhi are had, everything becomes clear and you can then completely choose a higher reality. Any other form of choice is not complete, only partial.

We go into Samadhi when we sleep, but we don't remember. Why we sit upright in meditation and break the seals in the spine is to raise up the center of the head consciously with our memories intact.

I wish I could go on more, but this is the general idea. Understanding the Containment Mechanism is key to understanding this evolution, but it can get very complicated.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Yugas - From my book Kriya Secrets Revealed

The book from which this article comes is called Kriya Secrets Revealed. Please order it from CreateSpace online at: 

Yogic Wisdom – The Yugas

Lahiri wrote the following, rather startling and simplistic, interpretation of the Yuga scriptures in the Bhagavad Gita (c. 1885, Arya Mission Institution publishers):
“Satya Yuga is to hold onto the Kutastha, or the inner Self.
Treta Yuga is to see the Kutastha.
Dwapara Yuga is to generate Happiness through Kriya practice.
Kali Yuga is to initiate into Kriya” (1:86 Manusanghita).

Originally the Yugas were defined as simple units of time, which evolved in later writings into periods of rising and declining virtue in mankind. More recently, Swami Sri Yukteswar added his own interpretation in a book first published in 1894 entitled The Holy Science. Manusanghita, or the Laws of Manu Commentary by Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri was published several years earlier; however, it is not clear that Sri Yukteswar was even aware of its existence, as he never mentioned it, and had instead offered a totally different and extremely controversial alternate interpretation. Yukteswar made the following three controversial claims:

  1. The Yugas were measured in years, not years of the gods as commonly understood by scholars.
  2. The precession of the equinoxes is actually tied to the cycle of the Yugas. Even though the period of precession is currently accepted as lasting 25,772 years, Yukteswar claimed that this number was a miscalculation by modern science, and that the length is exactly 24,000 years. He explains this by saying the period of Earth’s rotation slows up and speeds down to accommodate this difference.
  3. The cause of precession is the rotation of our sun around a dual.

The first controversial claim was that, in fact, the years mentioned in the Laws of Manu were not years of the gods, but years of man. One divine year is equal to 360 human years. The following table illustrates the differences in Sri Yukteswar’s system versus common belief, and later writings found in other Indian texts.

Common interpretation in Years
Sri Yukteswar’s interpretation in Years

When reading the Laws of Manu as original text it is easy to find the ambiguity; and thus it is not so farfetched to come to Sri Yukteswar’s conclusion.
From the first chapter of the Laws of Manu (c. 1500 BCE):
65. The sun divides days and nights, both human and divine, the night (being intended) for the repose of created beings and the day for exertion.
66. A month is a day and a night of the manes, but the division is according to fortnights. The dark (fortnight) is their day for active exertion, the bright (fortnight) their night for sleep.
67. A year is a day and a night of the gods; their division is (as follows): the half year during which the sun progresses to the north will be the day, that during which it goes southwards the night.
68. But hear now the brief (description of) the duration of a night and a day of Brahman and of the several ages (of the world, Yuga) according to their order.
69. They declare that the Krita age (consists of) four thousand years (of the gods); the twilight preceding it consists of as many hundreds, and the twilight following it of the same number.
70. In the other three ages with their twilights preceding and following, the thousands and hundreds are diminished by one (in each).
71. These 12 thousand (years) which thus have been just mentioned as the total of four (human) ages, are called one age of the gods.
72. But know that the sum of one thousand ages of the gods (makes) one day of Brahman, and that his night has the same length.
73. Those (only, who) know that the holy day of Brahman, indeed, ends after (the completion of) one thousand ages (of the gods) and that his night lasts as long, (are really) men acquainted with (the length of) days and nights.

The words in parenthesis are not in the original text. If we look at line 69 in the Sanskrit, it actually reads:
69. They declare that the Krita age is four thousand years; the twilight preceding it consists of as many hundreds, and the twilight following it of the same number.

Since the Laws of Manu are the basis of later texts which refer to Yugas, Sri Yukteswar’s hypothesis that the years delineated are human and not divine years seemingly stands on solid ground.

Just from a practical point of view, since the Yugas are associated with the decline and rise of mental virtue, times spanning millions of years makes little sense for a race which has not even existed so long. Even if one believes for whatever reason that the human race has been around much longer than the archaeological records support, recent history shows that attitudes and civilizations shift much faster than that. Even 24,000 years may be too long.

The next claim by Sri Yukteswar is that the precession of the equinoxes is tied to the Yugas, and that the 25,772 year cycle is in fact a 24,000 year cycle. This is a difference of 7% which is extremely significant. His claim that Earth’s rotations slows down during the ascending arc of the Yugas does not seem to be observed in the degree required to fit this discrepancy. The Earth’s rotation is slowing down. The average length of a day has increased by 17 milliseconds over the past century. If we assume a linear slowing, then this would mean the length of the day will increase to a little over 2 seconds in 12,000 years to what it is now. However, a year is not measured by the number of days, but rather from solstice to solstice. Even if the Earth’s rotation slowed by 7% each year, it would still take a year because its duration has nothing to do with the length of a day, but rather the radius of its orbit. In order for Sri Yukteswar’s hypothesis to be true, the Earth would need to move farther away from the Sun and then closer every 24,000 years. Besides being against well-established laws of physics and every laboratory and real world observation ever made since the beginning of time, this was not the explanation given by Sri Yukteswar.

It seems this particular claim by Sri Yukteswar could not possibly be valid, even from a purely logical point of view. This may be because Sri Yukteswar, by his own omission, did terribly in science, even dropping out of college because he had difficulty in his first physics class. He decided after that point that astrology was better suited to his temperament.

And so, we are then left with only three possibilities: (1) The Laws of Manu are faulty by 7% in the number of years; (2) The Yugas have nothing to do with the precession of the equinoxes; or (3) The Yugas as presented in the Laws of Manu are a hoax. At this point, any of these three explanations are possible.

Until Sri Yukteswar wrote the Holy Science, scholars had never made the correlation between the precession of the equinoxes and the Yugas. Frankly, because, even in the ancient world, it was known that this precession occurs much faster than the several millions of years required to pass through an entire cycle.

The third controversial claim is that the Yugas, the precession of the equinoxes, and man’s spiritual state are all linked by our movement through space around a yet-to-be-discovered dual star. (Some claim this is actually a central sun, Alcyon, located 400 light years away.)

To be clear, science has yet to discover this star; furthermore, if it did exist, it is expected to be much farther away, and therefore have a much longer orbital period than simply 24,000 years. It would also need to be a brown dwarf which would mean that its gravitational pull would be very weak. It must also be weak, because we would have detected it already if it were not.

But the nail in the coffin to Sri Yukteswar’s claim is not that the dual star does not exist, but that, in fact, it in no way could be the cause of the precession. The cause of precession has long been known to be caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon with insignificant contributions from the other planets. This has been known since 1600 when Isaac Newton made the calculations in his monumental work, Principia (1687). A spinning body when left on its own without outside forces will continue to spin in the same direction; its axis will always point in one direction in space. To illustrate this, take a top and spin it on the floor. If the axis is tilted, you will notice that it will precess or make a small circle with its axis. This is because the gravitational force of the Earth is causing precession. In the same way, the Sun and Moon are causing the Earth to precess. There is no other way that precession can occur. This is the only mechanism without question.

And so if a dual star did significantly contribute to precession, it would mean that its gravitational pull on the Earth would have to be at least to within a fraction of that caused by the Sun and Moon. However, we know from observations that this is not occurring simply by looking at the tides. We also know this is not the case by observing the orbits of all the planets in the solar system. We are rotating around the center of the galaxy every 250 million years. Some alternatively claim we are rotating around a galactic arm or a central sun such as Alcyon; however, this would be easily observable, as we would need to be travelling at 10% the speed of light in order to complete one orbit within the required 24,000 years.

Therefore, none of these explanations given by Sri Yukteswar and others has anything to do with observed precession, which is clearly caused by the Sun and Moon’s gravitational effect upon the Earth. Sri Yukteswar’s explanation that we are moving closer and farther from the galactic center just is not observed in even the slightest. This third claim in his theory is actually not only illogical but against all known well-established laws of physics and centuries of careful observation. If he had completed his first physics class, he would have come to that understanding.

Is it possible then that Sri Yukteswar was only partly correct about the Yugas? Yes. It does appear that the Yugas are more likely in the thousands and not millions of year ranges. However, he was clearly mistaken about the link between precession and the Yugas—not only because the time scale is off, but because we would need to break well-established laws of physics. These are not just established laws of physics, but of logic and observation which anyone can make when they spin a top, or use an amateur telescope, or measure the tides.

Since Yukteswar was wrong about the solar system moving closer and farther from the Seat of Brahma (that which theoretically controls man’s virtue), then what is the explanation for the rising and declining virtue in man? According to science, it has everything to do with changing influences over time. In fact, man may not be getting more but rather less intelligent as technology lessens the pressure of survival. In fact the Laws of Manu mentioned the Yugas as an answer to the question: Why is man becoming less spiritual? Why was he becoming more material? The real answer may have nothing to do with hidden, unseen rays coming from the center of the galaxy, but more to do with the rise of technology, and agriculture replacing man’s reliance upon his divine inner voice. The logical trappings of the material world had busied him. Instead of relying upon intuition to know when to plant his crop or hunt, he now used the almanacs and levies to control water flow. There were more mouths to feed and less time to contemplate spiritual issues. Intuition was a necessity, but with material abundance had become a luxury.

In conclusion, we really need to ask ourselves as Kriyabans why it even matters if we are moving through the cycles of the ages. Since we are allotted such a short period of time on Earth, perhaps the answer is “No, it does not.” The concept of cyclical ages does bring us some sense of certainty in a world of change as was the original intention of the Laws of Manu. However, a Kriyaban should not welcome nor relish certainty. He or she should be rather disinterested in everything outside other than that which fulfills his Sadhana; therefore, the genius of Lahiri’s interpretation of the Yugas. Only Kriya is Truth; the rest is false. Trust nothing external to yourself, even if donning the Swami robe and claims of avatarship.

Friday, January 4, 2013

My view of religion

I wish I could express my view on religion within the confines of one blog article, however it is far too complex than that and likely to be misunderstood. Nonetheless, I will try my best.

Firstly, I accept all religions as having value and I support the idea that each man, woman and child is probably in the religion they should be. I believe people should be free to switch religions whenever they wish. However, the real quest for truth occurs on the inside, not externally in the doctrine itself. The truth of a religion is expressed in the fruits more than in the words or the belief.  For example, I could have amazing descriptions of how an exotic fruit tastes, but because I never tasted that fruit, in reality, all my descriptions, however eloquent, are not the truth; the truth is in the experience of the fruit and only in the experience.

Therefore until one actually experiences the things described in a doctrine, it is conjecture or theory. We likewise should not take other people's word for it. We must experience it all ourselves. When imagination gets heavily involved in religion, this is when illogical and insane actions are performed. Sometimes however the religious man is revealing truths about his own real experience. We should learn to discern the difference between the two. Some atheists believe all religious people are insane and some of those religious people with true experiences might even think that about their "inexperienced" brothers and sisters. It is hard to find an atheist who has budged enough from his stance to recognize the difference between a true experience and imagination, because they believe it is all imagination.

I think it is quite evident that most people need religion; it is a pillar of society. Religion is bound to culture. It provides a stability needed for families to be built. Recently it has become popular to bash religion, however those who do so fail to understand the critical importance of this institution. To destroy religion would be like to break two of the legs of a table and expect the table to stand. (The table represents society.) It is a fact that atheists have fewer children than religious people. But still atheism is growing, especially in the west. It seems today that socialism is replacing some, but not all, of the vital functions of religion.

I do not hold the view that atheism is the correct philosophy. It seems to me to be yet another fanatical religion, more an offshoot of consumerism and socialism. An atheists says either that God does not exist or that he is irrelevant and certainly not personal. My experience of God is that the opposite is true. Not only is He the source of existence itself, but in fact He could not be more personal. He is "hyper-personal," being embedded right at the core of who we are. This is truth, because it is experience. An atheist might say it is imagination and I would reply, "It is you who is imagining that my experience is not real.  What I experience is real and needs no confirmation from a third party. In fact, until you practice my techniques of finding God you cannot possibly confirm my experience. And since you are so skeptical, you never will try it. That is sad. You will always be ignorant of what I know."

On the flip side of the coin, Christians may come to me and complain that my view is not from the Bible. I would wholeheartedly disagree. I believe Christ was speaking about having real experiences of God, which are all within. There is not one statement made by Christ which I don't 100% support. However, I disagree sometimes with the interpretation some take. The Bible has undergone many translations and to really understand it, you need to have experience of the truth. You cannot simply read the bible and expect to know it. The true understanding comes from within.

Religion will transform in the future. I don't believe people will wake up and suddenly switch to one or another. Religions will merge into one common truth. Even atheism will merge and they will all meet. All religions have value and all true religions are based on true experiences, therefore the true religions will last because they will be proven correct.

There should be no more religious wars; we should respect the reasons why one religion performs rituals a certain way. I think the mixing of religions and societies is difficult because so much of what influences a society comes primarily from religion. So the mixing of religions in one geographic area in the short term represents a great challenge to society.

In conclusion, I respect all true religions and believe the world will continue to unify until science and religion merge into one. The question is only when?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

This kicks off my blog

I just wanted to express my gratitude to Google for this free blogging service. Please refer to this blog for additional information and updates about the work of JC Stevens.
Please all see my youtube channel at jcstevensinfo.